Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Camo Skinnies

I surprised myself and bought these camo skinnies in August. It was seriously one of the best impulse buys I've ever done. I love them! It does help that they are an extremely comfortable pair of pants. I love the zipper detail on the pockets. I've been really into zippers lately, they just add a tiny bit of edge. Just enough for this mama.
Everything ooooold. Except for the pants: Gap

I want to wear these every day, but I'm having a bit of a problem coming up with ways to style them. And knowing what sorts of shoes to wear with them. It's a bit of trial and error with me. I've been perusing Pinterest and some of my favorite blogs for some camo inspiration. Here are my favorites so far. I'm looking forward to trying them.

viz oBaz

via fashionvibe
I really need to get myself a chambray shirt. Why have I not done this yet???!!

via Because Shanna Said So

P.S. Linked up with Fashion Informant.

1 comment:

  1. I love camo pants!! Love your look, thanks so much for linking up. New Link up is live!
